Discover the Urban Forestry Canvas


Why an Urban Forestry Canvas?

During the course of the Uforest project, the need for more practical educational tools that help structure and plan innovative urban forestry projects emerged. The Urban Forestry (UF) Canvas was designed to fill that need. As an output of an Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance project, the UF Canvas is meant to be an educational tool for future urban forestry courses to support the standardisation of key components of urban forestry projects. Moreover, educators and students in the field may use the UF Canvas to test their knowledge on the various and specific components of UFs, propose UF initiatives/projects, and present UF case studies.

Our Methodology

The Uforest project analysed innovation in Urban Forestry via 20 case studies across Europe and over 300 UF projects submitted by the students of the Uforest Capstone course. The output of this analysis was a large database of UF projects, which gave insight into the specificity of UFs: their uniqueness, design features, communication channels, expectations and challenges, their leading policies and standards (incl. certification), and the biodiversity and habitats they provide. The analysis of these case studies revealed the need for an educational method that better structured the design of UF projects.
We then looked for existing tools available in the field of nature-based solutions, and selected the Nature-based Solutions Business Model Canvas (NbS BMC) by Connecting Nature to be benchmarked against the UF  themes found by the Uforest case studies. We decided to build a canvas specific to UFs starting from the structure provided by the NbS BMC. However, to identify the key dimensions of an UF Canvas, we followed an iterative approach to adapt the NbS BMC dimensions to the Uforest case studies.
Another guiding element was the Uforest Urban Forestry Action Plan, which gave the overall framework to follow to have UF initiatives that are multifunctional, inclusive, funded, valued, and innovative in the face of challenges. The content structure of the Uforest Massive Open Online Course was another reference for our work, ensuring that the crucial components of an UF are included in the UF Canvas.
The UF canvas drafts were tested against more case studies, followed by a round of expert revisions, and a final validation session at the Nature of Cities (TNOC) Festival. On the 15th of April 2024, Etifor hosted a virtual session entitled “Innovation in Urban Forestry: Practical Tools for Effective Solutions” at TNOC Festival, where we presented the UF canvas and explored its integration with Connecting Nature’s NbS BMC and Clearing House’s Urban Forestry Guidelines. The session also included an interactive activity, in which participants tested the UF Canvas by filling case studies and examples of UF projects/initiatives they know. The feedback received was integrated in the final canvas.

The UF Canvas Components

In the following section, the UF Canvas is presented along with a brief description of its sections. The UF canvas considers the main actors of an UF initiative or project (its partners and beneficiaries), the governance among these actors, the goals and activities of the UF, the risks and challenges the UF may face, which policies and standards are leading the UF, which resources are required for its success, what kind of costs should its planners consider, and the communication strategy that will be adopted to share it with the world.

  • Partners = The actors who make the UF initiative possible, such as the municipality, planners, NGOs, etc.
  • Beneficiaries = The actors who benefit from the UF initiative, such as the municipality, citizens, animals and insects, etc.
  • Governance = 1) The actors’ roles and their interactions in the implementation of the activities. 2) The UF initiative/project’s governance model and arrangement type, such as public-private partnerships, co-governance, etc.
  • Goals and Activities = This section is meant to consider the goals of the UF initiative/project and 3 types of activities carried out by that UF: a) the UF’s planning and design activities, b) the UF’s ecology activities, and c) the UF’s specific activities.

> UF Goal: the main objectives of the UF

> UF Planning and Design: the general planning and design activities needed for an UF, such as: evaluation of stakeholder needs, UF inventory/mapping, ecosystem service definition/valuation, etc.

> UF Ecology: the forest ecology activities needed for an UF, such as field observations, and the forest management activities needed, such as silviculture. 

> Activities Specific to the Initiative: the activities that help the UF initiative achieve its goals and reach social, environmental, and economic impacts: innovative approaches (e.g. novel forest ecosystems), community engagement, what makes the UF initiative/project unique (type of UF, its design features, etc.)

  • Risks and Challenges = The potential risks (vandalism, browsing animals, weed competition, training gaps) and challenges (ecosystem disservices, e.g. tree pollen allergies and gentrification) associated with the UF, as they’re crucial to evaluate for better UF planning (especially in terms of UF type and its activities).
  • Leading Policy and Standards = The policy and standards leading the UF and contributing to achieving its impact, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the 2030 EU Biodiversity Strategy’s Urban Greening Plans, national or regional standards for urban or peri-urban tree planting, biodiversity, etc.
  • Required Resources = The human, financial, and natural resources that will need to be available for the UF to thrive.
  • Cost Categories = It’s important to consider the main cost categories of an UF to have an idea of how much funding will be needed to bring the initiative/project to life: trees and shrubs acquisition and establishment, trees management, administrative costs, public access infrastructure, maintenance costs
  • Communication Strategy = The communication and promotion strategies the UF initiative/project will use to mobilise the community, reach potential partners, spread and co-build knowledge, such as social media channels, educational and recreational events, a podcast, a website, etc.

Next Steps

The UF canvas will be released as the final output of the Uforest project, and ready for dissemination and collaboration with other innovative and educational tools in the UF field.

Ciudad Viva

is part of the Uforest Alliance connecting individuals and organizations in Uforest activities!

  • Description

  • Join As: Organization
  • Name: Yamile
  • Surname: Sanchez
  • Organisation Name: Ciudad Viva
  • Main Sector: nonprofit organisation
  • Specific Sector: forestry arboriculture and ecology
  • City: Lima
  • Country: Peru
  • Website:
  • Description: Soy yamile sanchez, estudie ingenieria forestal y lidero proyectos de foresteria urbana en Perú. Estoy muy interesada en el proyecto Uforest ya que brinda importantes recursos y networking sobre los bosques urbanos. Actualmente, soy vicepresidenta de Ciudad Viva, una organización sin fines de lucro con el propósito de transformar barrios y ciudades del Perú en espacios más verdes y resilientes, mediante la creación o mejora de bosques urbanos y el empoderamiento de las comunidades y municipios. Por ello, me gustaría intercambiar experiencias y conocimientos, además, promover sinergias.
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Uforest can only be held responsible for responding to questions and applications sent directly to the email and through the Alliance Map form. The project seeks to foster communication and exchange of knowledge between network members however it is not responsible for such interactions, or lack thereof. Please report any suspected misconduct to

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owen meekins

is part of the Uforest Alliance connecting individuals and organizations in Uforest activities!

  • Description

  • Join As: Individual
  • Name: owen
  • Surname: meekins
  • Organisation Name: Na
  • Specific Sector: forestry arboriculture and ecology
  • City: Chatswood
  • Country: Australia
  • Description: Urban & peri urban Forest strategy
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Uforest can only be held responsible for responding to questions and applications sent directly to the email and through the Alliance Map form. The project seeks to foster communication and exchange of knowledge between network members however it is not responsible for such interactions, or lack thereof. Please report any suspected misconduct to

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Juan M Rubiales Jiménez

is part of the Uforest Alliance connecting individuals and organizations in Uforest activities!

  • Description

  • Join As: Individual
  • Name: Juan M
  • Surname: Rubiales Jiménez
  • Organisation Name: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Specific Sector: forestry arboriculture and ecology
  • City: Madrid
  • Country: Spain
  • Website:
  • Description: I am an Associate Professor at the Technical University of Madrid, specializing in Botany, Forestry and Arboriculture. I am enthusiastic about joining the Uforest project, given my involvement in teaching Urban Forestry. I view this alliance as a valuable opportunity to connect with individuals and organizations dedicated to sustainable urban ecosystems. Through collaborative efforts and knowledge exchange, my goal is to contribute to innovative approaches that bridge academic insights with practical solutions.
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Uforest can only be held responsible for responding to questions and applications sent directly to the email and through the Alliance Map form. The project seeks to foster communication and exchange of knowledge between network members however it is not responsible for such interactions, or lack thereof. Please report any suspected misconduct to

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Milena Kozlowski

is part of the Uforest Alliance connecting individuals and organizations in Uforest activities!

  • Description

  • Join As: Individual
  • Name: Milena
  • Surname: Kozlowski
  • Organisation Name: IRD France
  • Specific Sector: socio-economic
  • City: Montpellier
  • Country: France
  • Social:
  • Description: Being a forest engineer interested in ecosystem services and doing my master thesis on urban and non-urban areas, I would love to explore the Uforest network maybe to exchange and gain insights to consider on my thesis.
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Uforest can only be held responsible for responding to questions and applications sent directly to the email and through the Alliance Map form. The project seeks to foster communication and exchange of knowledge between network members however it is not responsible for such interactions, or lack thereof. Please report any suspected misconduct to

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Urban Ashes

is part of the Uforest Alliance connecting individuals and organizations in Uforest activities!

  • Description

  • Join As: Organization
  • Name: Paul
  • Surname: Hickman
  • Organisation Name: Urban Ashes
  • Main Sector: private
  • Specific Sector: other
  • City: Ann Arbor
  • Country: United States
  • Website:
  • Social:
  • Description: Utilizing urban wood to its highest and best use at the end of an urban tree’s life, is a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of the full cycle of urban forestry. In the US alone we miss out on the opportunity to continue to sequester between about 4.8 and 6.4 million metric tonnes of carbon each year that is contained in what could be quality urban lumber. Instead, like the majority of the world we chip, burn or landfill it, quickly releasing all that carbon as CO2 back into our atmosphere. We would like to help learn more about European practices to help address this issue there as well.
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Uforest can only be held responsible for responding to questions and applications sent directly to the email and through the Alliance Map form. The project seeks to foster communication and exchange of knowledge between network members however it is not responsible for such interactions, or lack thereof. Please report any suspected misconduct to

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is part of the Uforest Alliance connecting individuals and organizations in Uforest activities!

  • Description

  • Join As: Individual
  • Name: STEPHEN
  • Surname: NDEKUDUNG
  • Organisation Name: University of Energy and Natural Resources
  • Specific Sector: urban planning and landscape architecture
  • City: Sunyani
  • Country: Ghana
  • Description: Interested in forest ecology and urban forest's ecosystem service
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Uforest can only be held responsible for responding to questions and applications sent directly to the email and through the Alliance Map form. The project seeks to foster communication and exchange of knowledge between network members however it is not responsible for such interactions, or lack thereof. Please report any suspected misconduct to

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is part of the Uforest Alliance connecting individuals and organizations in Uforest activities!

  • Description

  • Join As: Organization
  • Name: Carlotta
  • Surname: Conte
  • Organisation Name: Terrapreta
  • Main Sector: private
  • Specific Sector: other
  • City: milano
  • Country: Italy
  • Website:
  • Social:
  • Description: Terrapreta is a multidisciplinary team on a mission to help landowners, municipalities, and community land groups depave, decontaminate, and regenerate their degraded land, thanks to the value of soil intelligence. We are keen to learn more from this fantastic network of like-minded organisations and individuals and find opportunities to research and collaborate to develop innovative and impactful urban forestry projects. Reach out if you wish to collaborate.
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Uforest can only be held responsible for responding to questions and applications sent directly to the email and through the Alliance Map form. The project seeks to foster communication and exchange of knowledge between network members however it is not responsible for such interactions, or lack thereof. Please report any suspected misconduct to

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Institutional Arrangement for Urban Forest Management in Ghana: Assessing the Role of the Local Communities and Youths

Publication from the AllianceAuthor: Bismark Yayra Adzah
Year of publication: 2024

Sustainable management and conservation of urban forests are becoming increasingly important to achieve urban sustainability, thus requiring a unified stakeholder collaboration at different levels. Local communities and youths play essential roles in ensuring sustainable urban forest management. This study analyzed the institutional arrangement for urban forest management in Ghana and the involvement of local communities and youths. An in-depth analysis of environmental institutions in Ghana was done to identify their roles and responsibilities as enshrined in the constitution of Ghana. A qualitative research method was used to explore community and youth roles in urban forest management. Findings revealed a lack of a specific institution to spearhead urban forest management, leading to overlapping responsibilities and administrative conflicts. Despite their potential, local communities and youths are often excluded from urban forest planning and management, resulting in a decrease in the sense of ownership and misuse of urban forests. It is recommended there should be a clear assignment of roles and responsibilities to responsible state institutions to prevent administrative conflicts. Furthermore, a specific state institution should be mandated and designated to spearhead urban forest management in Ghana. Lastly, local communities and youth engagement should be systematically integrated into the urban forest planning and management framework to harness their potential for sustainable management of urban forests and urban sustainability.
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Steps towards a sustainable future: New Mansoura University initiative to reduce climate change.

Events from the AllianceOrganizer: New Mansoura University
Where: New Mansoura University- Egypt
Date: 28 March 2024

“In light of the increasing environmental challenges and the clear impacts of climate change on our planet, New Mansoura University is taking the initiative to become a leader in sustainability and environmental preservation. Through this video, we invite you to explore our innovative and effective initiatives aimed at achieving sustainability and reducing climate change, affirming our commitment to enhancing Environmental awareness and adoption of green practices across campus. Join us on our journey toward a greener, more sustainable future, as we work together to preserve our planet for future generations.”
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