We all know that learning is often complimented and improved through action. For this reason, Uforest offers a programme of highly innovative opportunities to turn theory into practice. The aim is to allow participants to consolidate their knowledge and, at the same time, expand their network to bring their entrepreneurial dream closer to reality.
How? By joining us in the following activities that will be implemented during the final year of the project.

Innovation Programme & Challenge
This action is composed by 2 parts: the Specialization School and the Innovation Challenge. The Specialization School is a 14-days intensive training delivered in person, with 1 week in Milan and 1 week in Barcelona. Participants will gains specilised knowledge and skills in urban forestry and have the opportunity to develop their own project. The School is addressed to the 20 best students of our e-learning courses. The training will end with an “Urban Forestry Challenge” in which participants will pitch their projects “against” each other.
Activity Working Package (WP): WP5-5.4

Urban Forestry Workshops
Urban Forestry Workshops combine technical seminars, debates, focus sessions on urban forestry and related disciplines, as well as field trips and demonstrations. These events are open to public officials, students and practioners and are organised in 4 different countries:
Activity Working Package (WP): WP4-4.5

European Urban Forest Week
Because Uforest is not just theory, the project will launch the European Urban Forest Week, with the aim to create 4 new urban forests in 4 different European cities: Milan, Brasov, Barcelona and Dublin. The European Urban Forest Week is organised in collaboration with WOWnature, a web platform allowing people and organisations to take care of nature. Finally, each event will be given maximum visibility through dedicated press hacking and communication activities.
Activity Working Package (WP): WP6-6.5