The potential of remote sensing in urban forest inventory
Nowadays, remote sensing is one of the most important technologies for forest inventories. The availability of open data from Copernicus constellation and national programs of aerial photogrammetry capture and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) has allowed the development of new urban forest inventory techniques. The combination of this new data sources with machine learning techniques,…
A Romanian perspective on Urban Forestry
Urban forestry insights from the Transilvania University of Brasov Faculty of Silviculture and Forest Engineering within Transilvania University of Brasov is the oldest forestry higher education institution in Romania, having therefore extended expertise in forestry, including urban forests. Urban Forests management, as any forest management, is based on a roadmap that creates a shared vision…
Urban Forests, Forest Urbanism & Global Warming
Uforest at the UFFU ’22 What do we know about the mitigation and adaptation benefits of urban forestry? How can the climate benefits of urban forests be optimised through governance, planning, design, and management? What interdisciplinary and innovative approaches can be developed? These are some of the questions that international conference “Urban Forests, Forest Urbanisms…