
  • Uforest Specialization School: feedback from the students

    Uforest Specialization School: feedback from the students

    With 23 seminars and workshops, 8 field trips, and 1 project development activity, the two weeks of the Uforest Specialization School were quite intense. Today we look back at this training to better understand how it went and what was the students’ perception of their experience. After analyzing the results of our survey, we are…

  • Who and what is the urban forestry entrepreneur and entrepreneurship

    Who and what is the urban forestry entrepreneur and entrepreneurship

    While at the beginning the term “entrepreneurship” was conceived as something purely value-driven, later it developed into something interlinked with innovation. For this reason, entrepreneurship is very relevant also in other contexts and not only in the economic one. In urban forestry, entrepreneurship can boost innovation and provide solutions that are inclusive, participatory and engaging.

  • Uforest Innovation Challenge

    Uforest Innovation Challenge

    In the framework of the Specialization School, the Innovation Challenge will see students developing their own urban forestry project to address a specific challenge.

Urban forestry updates from our Alliance members