The national launch of the Uforest project in Romania
Organised by Uforest partner the Transilvania University of Brasov, the launch event took place on the 31st of March 2023 at the Research and Development Institute of the University.
Almost a 100 people participated to the event, including the director of the National Agency for Environment Protection, the director of Brasov Environment Protection Agency, the director of Kronstadt Forest Administration, as well as the representatives of the National Forest Administration, Forest Guard, local council, forest research institute.
The event included presentations by different experts, among which the Rector of the University prof. dr. eng. Ioan Vasile Abrudan. Besides presenting the Uforest project and its opportunities, the presentation also offered a space to discuss the potential of urban forests for greener and healthier cities.
Finally, the second part of the event saw participants directly on the field, experiencing what it is like to plant trees and grow a new urban forest. The trees were planted in the yard of the Institute, with the support of the Local Public Directorate of Forests – Kronstadt RA. The weather was harsh, but our novice urban foresters were unstoppable.
Check out the pictures of the event!