is part of the Uforest Alliance connecting individuals and organizations in Uforest activities!

  • Description

  • Join As: Individual
  • Name: Clive
  • Surname: Davies
  • Organisation Name: European Forest Institute and Newcastle University (UK)
  • Main Sector: private
  • Specific Sector: urban planning and landscape architecture
  • City: Darlington
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Description: I am interested in translational research bringing practice and research in urban forestry together. I have experience both as a practice manager and researcher. A key platform for this is EFUF ( and I am chair of the Board of Management.
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Uforest can only be held responsible for responding to questions and applications sent directly to the email and through the Alliance Map form. The project seeks to foster communication and exchange of knowledge between network members however it is not responsible for such interactions, or lack thereof. Please report any suspected misconduct to

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Borrowed credentials and surrogate professional societies: A critical analysis of the urban forestry profession

News from the AllianceAuthor: O’Herrin, K., Bassett, C., Day, S., Ries, P. D., & Wiseman, P. E.
Date: 02 May 2023

Background: Urban forestry is an emerging profession, yet its professional identity is not clearly defined nor does it have the full complement of support mechanisms commonly expected or needed by professionals. As a result, urban forest professionals rely on closely allied professions (e.g., arboriculture, forestry) resulting in frustration amongst urban forest professionals and confusion and lack of awareness amongst the general public. Methods: We developed a series of practical but ideal benchmarks for a successful ”modern profession” based on features extracted from a review of the literature and precedents from 11 other professions. We then examined a broad array of evidence to identify gaps between the benchmarks and the current reality of the profession. Strength of evidence was assessed and each benchmark was classified as being supported by established, emerging, or little to no evidence. Results: Gap analysis indicates that while the profession provides an essential service to society, there is a need for improvement in credentialing, public awareness, recruitment into the profession, and support for career advancement. Many gaps result from a lack of coordinated efforts or organized community dedicated to the full scope of urban forest professionals. We identified a misalignment between urban forest professionals and existing professional organizations that are dedicated to closely allied professions. Conclusion: To meet benchmarks for a successful ”modern profession,” urban forestry needs professional support explicitly dedicated to urban forestry. The profession cannot meet the future needs of society supported only by borrowed credentials and surrogate professional organizations.
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urban forestry profession

Good practices and innovation in urban forestry

workshop italy

A 2-days-workshop with our Italian partners

Urban forestry represents an effective solution to many challenges brought about by climate change and rapid urbanisation. In fact, urban forests do not only positive impacts not only on the environment, but also on the on communities and the health of citizens. However, today good practices and innovation in urban forestry are still underdeveloped.

With the aim of filling these gaps, the Uforest project aims to foster the dissemination of knowledge and skills in urban forestry. Through reports and research, courses and networking opportunities, Uforest aims promote innovation in urban forestry.

In this context, the workshop “Good practices and innovation in urban forestry” wants to
transfer practical knowledge to design effective and sustainable urban forests. The workshop, organised by ERSAF, will be divided into two days and will see the participation of experts in silviculture and ecology. Finally, the workshop will also include field visits to examples of urban forests.


On the 24th and 31st of May 2023

On 24 May, at ERSAF offices in Curno, via dei campi 5 maggio
On 31 May, at Cascina Dugnana a Pioltello, via Aldo Moro

Check out the flyer in Italian

To register, send an email to:


DAY 1 – 24 May 2023

  • 09:00 – 09:15 | Welcome, greetings and workshop presentation
  • 09:15 – 09:35 | The Uforest project (Erica Alghisi, ERSAF)
  • 09:35 – 10:00 | The work of Uforest, innovation and guidelines at the service of urban green (Ilaria Doimo, Etifor)
  • 10:00 – 10:30 | Nursery production and certification (Giovanni Ravanelli, ERSAF)
  • 10:30 – 13:00 | Visit to the ERSAF forest nursery in Curno (BG) (Giovanni Ravanelli, ERSAF)
  • 13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch
  • 14:00 – 15:00 | Urban and peri-urban forests: experiences and opportunities related to FSC certification (Enrico Bonis, FSC)
  • 15:00 – 16:00 | Plant biodiversity in reforestation: how to promote it (Patrizia di Giovinazzo, ERSAF)
  • 16:00 – 17:00 | Urban forestation: which practices can support biodiversity (Fabrizio Cappa – ERSAF)
  • 17:00 – 17:10 | Conclusion of the first day

DAY 2 – 31 May 2023

  • 09:00 – 09:15 | Welcome and presentation of the day’s programme

  • 09:15 – 09:20 | Greetings from the Mayor Ivonne Cosciotti
  • 09:20 – 10:00 | Urban forestation from the municipal administration’s point of view
    (Paola Ghiringhelli, Councillor for Trade and Productive Activities – Events – Proloco – Green Management – and Street Furniture – Infrastructure Smart City and Walter Finazzi, City Councillor)
  • 10:00 – 11:00 | Three reforestations compared: the Bosco della Besozza, the Parco delle Cascine, and the reforestation of via Rugacesio related to the Bando Clima 2022 (Gianluca Gaiani and Erica Alghisi, ERSAF)
  • 11:00 – 11:45 | EMONFUr and the monitoring of urban forests (Gianluca Gaiani, ERSAF)
  • 11:45 – 13:00 | Financing and Communicating Forests (Lorenzo Resentera, Etifor)
  • 13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch
  • 14:00 – 17:00 | Sopralluogo: three reforestations in comparison: the Bosco della Besozza, the Parco delle Cascine, and the reforestation related to the Bando Clima 2022 in via Rugacesio. We will be accompanied by the planners, with whom we will discuss and verify the strategies and choices adopted
  • 17:00 – 17:10 | Conclusion Workshop

How did the COVID lockdowns change visits to urban forests and visitors’ perceptions to forest management? 

people in urban forest
Photo: Lison Zhao (Unsplash)

The announcement by the World Health Organisation (WHO) that the COVID emergency was officially over, must have come as a huge relief to everyone. COVID certainly has had a huge influence on all aspects of our lives, particularly upon both our physical and mental health. This impact also includes how people value, use and access greenspaces and forests. During the Pandemic, policies on use of public spaces varied considerably from country to country. In Germany, access to forests and most greenspaces remained possible for exercise throughout the duration of the Pandemic, whilst other countries applied more restrictive policies. 

A recently published study conducted in Bonn (Germany) analysed visitor patterns, attitudes and perceptions in a peri-urban forest, called the “Kottenforst”, during the lockdown period. The importance of forests for human wellbeing became even clearer than ever during the Pandemic. Urban forests act as a “decompression valve” during times of increased pressure, and theoretically, should be accessible to everyone. Positive effects like feeling happier and healthier, finding a sense of calm and contact with nature are not the only reasons people choose to visit a certain forest; other factors like location, ingrained habits and spontaneity are also important factors. 

The Kottenforst study originally set out to analyse the importance of social and cultural benefits of forests close to urban areas, however its aims were later broadened to include the impact of the lockdowns. The study timeline between April 2019 to May 2022 effectively charted visitors’ changing perceptions and emotional bond with the forest through two surveys: one before and one during the first strict lockdown (mid-March and early May 2020). During this period, the number of visitors to the forest dramatically increased after the lockdown was implemented in March 2020.  

Approximately 300 interviews were carried out. These were based on questions to record the visitors’ perceptions of the cultural, recreational, and aesthetic ecosystem services provided by the forest, and to assess their attitudes towards forest management measures. Three forestry professionals who work in the Kottenforst were also interviewed during the first lockdown to help interpret the data from the perspective of the local forest managers. 

Changing patterns to forest visits 

Compared to the same period in 2019, the average number of daily visitors more than doubled during the first lockdown (22 March 2020 – May 2020), whilst the increase was less pronounced during the second lockdown (December – March 2021). Probably having a sunny spring helped in this respect, but the psychological impacts of the pandemic and government restrictions were the main drivers for the increase of visitors. During the lockdowns, the visitor distribution was also more spread out during the day (instead of being concentrated before and after worktime) and the difference between the weekends and weekdays became less pronounced, although Sunday remained the most popular day. Visitors were mostly middle-aged or elderly people. One of the main reasons for more frequent visits to the forest was that people had more time and flexibility due to their home working situation. 

urban forest
Photo: Luiza Giannelli (Unsplash)

Associations with the forest 

The fundamental associations that people have with the forest did not change much after start of the first lockdown: finding peace and quiet, fresh air and access to nature were still, by far, the main appealing factors of the Kottenforst. In accordance with other studies, many respondents also expected mental and physical health benefits from their forest visit

People in cities generally visit urban forests to find peace and quiet. However, as this study illustrated, as visitor numbers increased there was less opportunity for visitors to find quiet places to escape the crowds. This is an important consideration when planning recreational forest use. Spontaneity, spiritual and escapist motives were prominent in the answers of over half of the people interviewed, mainly when referring to aesthetic elements and emotional connections with the forest. The productive function of the forest was valued lower compared to recreational benefits by respondents. 

The impact of forest management upon recreation

At each interview location, participants were asked to express their appreciation for a specific forest stand, thereby providing valuable feedback for the forest management strategy. More natural forest stands were generally regarded as the most visually attractive. Important keywords in this respect were: broadleaf trees and species mixture, diverse stand structure, wild look, tree health and green. The perceived naturalness was mainly characterised by the absence of visible forest management.  

Uneven-aged stands resulting from selective cutting regimes showed the societal acceptance of the management style which has been practiced in the Kottenforst for decades. An increased focus on tree health and the acceptance of felling unhealthy trees has resulted from awareness resulting from extensive media coverage on the topic of bark beetle infestations and drought related issues.  The general focus on health during the lockdown may be reflected in people more consciously observing health issues in their surroundings.  

Lessons for the future

The issue of how outdoor spaces are utilised for recreation is a fascinating one, and it would be beneficial for future research to delve deeper into how land use planning, design and natural resources management can accommodate higher numbers of visitors to woodlands and green spaces. It may also be useful in more urban areas to monitor visitor flows when scheduling forest work and managing visitor facilities during different times of day, week, and season. 


Jakob Derks, Georg Winkel, Johanna Strieck & Rik De Vreese (2023) Visitor frequencies and attitudes towards urban forests and their management, before and during the COVID-19 lockdown. A mixed methods case study in Bonn, Germany, Ecosystems and People, 19:1, DOI: 10.1080/26395916.2023.2195021 .

Andrés Bravo Oviedo

is part of the Uforest Alliance connecting individuals and organizations in Uforest activities!

  • Description

  • Join As: Individual
  • Name: Andrés
  • Surname: Bravo Oviedo
  • Organisation Name: MNCN-CSIC
  • Main Sector: private
  • Specific Sector: forestry and arboriculture
  • City: Madrid
  • Country: Spain
  • Social:
  • Description: Connect researchers interested in urban forestry/ecology and nature based solutions for cities.
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Uforest can only be held responsible for responding to questions and applications sent directly to the email and through the Alliance Map form. The project seeks to foster communication and exchange of knowledge between network members however it is not responsible for such interactions, or lack thereof. Please report any suspected misconduct to

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Willowprint – Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur, RWTH Aachen University

is part of the Uforest Alliance connecting individuals and organizations in Uforest activities!

  • Description

  • Join As: Organization
  • Name: Joost
  • Surname: Meyer
  • Organisation Name: Willowprint - Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur, RWTH Aachen University
  • Main Sector: private
  • Specific Sector: other
  • City: Aachen
  • Country: Germany
  • Website:
  • Description: Networking with other stakeholders for the Willowprint Project.
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Uforest can only be held responsible for responding to questions and applications sent directly to the email and through the Alliance Map form. The project seeks to foster communication and exchange of knowledge between network members however it is not responsible for such interactions, or lack thereof. Please report any suspected misconduct to

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Underlying Mechanisms of Urban Green Areas’ Influence on Residents’ Health – A Case Study from Belgrade, Serbia

Publication from the AllianceAuthor: Isidora Simović, Jelena Tomićević Dubljević, Oliver Tošković, Maja Vujčić Trkulja and Ivana Živojinović
Year of publication: 2023

The positive impacts of urban forests on residents’ health are widely acknowledged. However, the methods used to quantify and demonstrate this relation are still a focus of research. The aim of the paper is to examine the relationship between the size and quality of different urban green areas to residents’ health based on the face-to-face survey and remote sensing data at 12 locations in Belgrade. The socio-economic and self-perceived health characteristics were analyzed. Based on green areas’ size and pollution, municipalities were divided into “less green” and “green”. Vegetation quality was assessed by Sentinel-2 vegetation indexes (VI). Results show that residents in less green and green municipalities differ in physical, social, and emotional health. The quality of green areas was inversely proportional to the amount of money spent on medications and the number of doctor’s visits indicating potential mechanisms of the health benefits of green areas. The lack of facilities led to different appreciation among residents. Results suggest that the quality of green infrastructure is more important than the amount in promoting residents’ health. Relating the characteristics of green areas to visitors proved to improve the correlation between residents’ health and the quality of green areas.

Read more here…

Samuel Fauteux

is part of the Uforest Alliance connecting individuals and organizations in Uforest activities!

  • Description

  • Join As: Individual
  • Name: Samuel
  • Surname: Fauteux
  • Organisation Name: Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
  • Main Sector: private
  • Specific Sector: forestry and arboriculture
  • City: Québec
  • Country: Canada
  • Description: Our organization is interested in urban forestry. I am a member of the Canadian Federal Community of Practice in Urban Forestry.
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Uforest can only be held responsible for responding to questions and applications sent directly to the email and through the Alliance Map form. The project seeks to foster communication and exchange of knowledge between network members however it is not responsible for such interactions, or lack thereof. Please report any suspected misconduct to

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Luca Mastrosimone

is part of the Uforest Alliance connecting individuals and organizations in Uforest activities!

  • Description

  • Join As: Individual
  • Name: Luca
  • Surname: Mastrosimone
  • Organisation Name: Università di Pisa
  • Main Sector: private
  • Specific Sector: forestry and arboriculture
  • City: Bologna
  • Country: Italy
  • Social:
  • Description: I discovered the Uforest project while attending the postgraduate advanced course Ecoesione (Tools to promote social cohesion in the ecological transition), offered by the University of Pisa. I focused my final project work on the socio-economic effects of extreme events on forests and local communities. I am interested in the role of forests to improve the quality of life of rural and urban communities in the Anthropocene.
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Uforest can only be held responsible for responding to questions and applications sent directly to the email and through the Alliance Map form. The project seeks to foster communication and exchange of knowledge between network members however it is not responsible for such interactions, or lack thereof. Please report any suspected misconduct to

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Ivana Zivojinovic

is part of the Uforest Alliance connecting individuals and organizations in Uforest activities!

  • Description

  • Join As: Individual
  • Name: Ivana
  • Surname: Zivojinovic
  • Organisation Name: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)
  • Main Sector: private
  • Specific Sector: forestry and arboriculture
  • City: Vienna
  • Country: Austria
  • Description: I am working for more then 10 year on various policy and governance topics in urban forestry. I am interested in project work and cooperation with other individuals and organisations working on the topic.
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Uforest can only be held responsible for responding to questions and applications sent directly to the email and through the Alliance Map form. The project seeks to foster communication and exchange of knowledge between network members however it is not responsible for such interactions, or lack thereof. Please report any suspected misconduct to

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